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Ashwagandha en poudre 50 g
  • Ashwagandha en poudre 50 g

    450,00₹ Prix original
    405,00₹Prix promotionnel
    • RÉDUIRE L'ANXITÉ ET LE NIVEAU DE STRESS : Ashwagandha  peut contrôler le stress en réduisant le niveau d'hormone du stress. Il aide à produire du calme, une concentration accrue et un bien-être mental.
    • SOUTENIR LA FORCE MUSCULAIRE ET LA RÉCUPÉRATION : Ashwagandha peut améliorer la force musculaire en favorisant les niveaux de croissance musculaire dans le corps. Il est utile pour une récupération plus rapide pendant l'exercice et l'activité physique.
    • Améliore la qualité du sommeil : l'ashwagandha agit comme un tonique du sommeil à base de plantes qui aide à améliorer la qualité globale du sommeil et à maintenir des habitudes de sommeil saines. Il aide également à combattre la fatigue accumulée et donne un coup de fouet aux niveaux d'énergie. Nous savons tous qu'une bonne nuit de sommeil vous permet de rester actif tout au long de la journée et la poudre d'ashwagandha peut vous aider à y parvenir. Il aide également à combattre la débilité qui survient avec le vieillissement et aide à soulager les douleurs articulaires et musculaires.
    • NUTRIMENTS PUISSANTS: Ashwagandha contient une large gamme de nutriments comme les alcaloïdes et les flavonoïdes. Ces composants essentiels rendent la plante anti-inflammatoire, neuroprotectrice, antimicrobienne, antistress, antidiabétique et cardioprotectrice. Votre corps peut bénéficier de ces nutriments lors d'une consommation régulière de poudre d'ashwagandha.
    • FABRIQUÉ AVEC DES INGRÉDIENTS PURS ET PUISSANTS : le produit est végétalien car il est fabriqué à partir d'ingrédients à base de plantes. Nous avons composé les herbes ashwagandha les plus percutantes dans ce pack de poudre d'ashwagandha. Consommez 1 à 2 cuillères à café deux fois par jour avec du lait ou de l'eau ou selon les directives du médecin.
    SKU : 879632158
    • More about Indian Ginseng Root/ Ashwagandha

      Indian Ginseng Root/Ashwagandha

      Indian Ginseng root is also known as Ashwagandha or winter cherry. In botanical terms, it is known as Withania somnifera. Ashwagandha is an Ayurvedic herbs and it is known for controlling the level of blood sugar.

      In India, part of Africa, and the Middle East, Indian Ginseng root, an evergreen herb grows. For many years, people use the Ashwagandha roots and orange-red fruit for medicinal. Ashwagandha describes  “the smell of root” like a horse. Even the meaning of ashwa is a horse. For an energy boost, stress-reducing and anxiety, we use this natural remedy as a general tonic.

      In Ayurvedic medicine, Ashwagandha is an essential herb. Globally, this is one of the oldest medical systems and one of India's health care systems. Ashwagandha is considered Rasayana. These home remedies help for maintaining the youth mentally and physically strong.

      Ashwagandha and Diabetes

      In the world of health and nutrition day, diabetes is one of the most concerning the disease. diabetes disease is a condition when the blood sugar level is high. Diabetic patients need to be more careful with their diet as they should consume a healthy diet. Diabetic patients need to eat food that is high in fiber. Fiber takes a long time to break down and digest so it keeps your level of blood sugar manageable. There are various natural herbs to manage the blood sugar level but one of the Best Nutraceutical Supplements to Control Diabetes in a Natural Way is Ashwagandha or Indian ginseng root.

      Ashwagandha Properties

      • Anticancer
      • Antidiabetic
      • Antiarthritic
      • Antimicrobial
      • Neuroprotective
      • Cardioprotective
      • Hepatoprotective
      • Anti-inflammatory

      Health Benefits Of Using Indian Ginseng Root/ Ashwagandha

      • Stress
      • Anxiety
      • Fatigue
      • Pain
      • Diabetes
      • Arthritis
      • Epilepsy
      • Skin conditions
      • Athletic performance
      • Reduce mental condition symptoms
      • Increase fertility in men
      • Reduce the inflammation
      • Enhance the function of the brain

      Enhance the sleep use different parts of the plant like seeds, fruit, and leaves for different treatments. In the west, this home remedy gains popularity. In the United States, people purchase ashwagandha as a supplement.

      How To Consume Ashwagandha?

      Ashwagandha dosage and way of person use this natural remedy depends on their condition. There is no fixed dose of ashwagandha. Different research uses different dose as some research suggest taking 250–600 mg per day which can reduce stress. In other research, use high dosage.

      Ashwagandha Dose

      Capsules is containing a dosage between 250 and 1,500 mg. Ashwagandha / Indian ginseng root comes in liquid extract, powder, or capsules.

      Any Side Effects Of Ashwagandha?

      Usually, people take ashwagandha in small-to-medium doses but there are not enough long-term studies to fully examine the side effects possibility.

      Taking the big amount of ashwagandha can lead to:

      • Nausea
      • Upset the digestive system
      • Vomiting

      Is It Safe To Consume Indian Ginseng Root?

      Ashwagandha capsules are safe for most people but their long effects are unknown. In 69 studies, it is found that ashwagandha root is safe and effective for the health conditions like stress, diabetes, insomnia, anxiety

      A study shows 80 healthy men and women showed that take Indian Ginseng Root (600 mg) on daily basis for 8 weeks and it does not cause any health effects.

      Some side effects found in people taking these natural remedy supplements like drowsiness, diarrhea, upper gastrointestinal discomfort, etc. there is a different dose of ashwagandha for different conditions. Consume the ashwagandha in a single dose, or multiple doses daily or you can take it with a meal or empty stomach.

      Pregnant women do not use ashwagandha before consulting the doctor as it can cause distress for premature labor and fetus.

      The food and Drug Administration (FDA) do not regulate the manufacturer of ayurvedic herbs which means they do have not the same standard as food producers and pharmaceutical companies have.

      There is the possibility that herbs do not contain containments like heavy metals and they do not contain actual herbs. So people do some research and make sure before buying any product.

      As per the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, products of ayurvedic is consisting of lead, mercury, and arsenic levels that expert is considered to be suitable for humans' daily consuming.

      In ayurvedic medicine, Indian ginseng root is a herbal treatment. Studies suggest that ashwagandha is having a lot of health benefits such as reducing stress, enhancing arthritis, and anxiety, and controlling  diabetes.  People having any health condition or pregnant women should consult the doctor before taking ashwagandha.


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